Theater Square Grill
A Newark, NJ Restaurant Review


Now occupied by Nico Kitchen & Bar. One of Newark's top restaurants. Located at the NJPAC, the restaurant serves good Italian accented food in an attractive trendy setting. To learn more Visit

Theater Square Grill
New Jersey Performing Arts Ctr.
1 Center St.
Newark, NJ

Theater Square Grll Newark 

A restaurant review of a popular restaurant in located in the NJPAC in Newark, NJ


Our restaurant ratings and reviews have been established on the basis of a combination of many sources including, personal visits by the restaurant editor of New Jersey Leisure Guide, visitor reviews, and restaurant critics.

Restaurant Review

This is a good bet if you are in Newark for an event at the NJPAC, want convenience, and enjoy a more high end menu than the many other Spanish-Portuguese restaurants in the Ironbound district.

The restaurant is Conveniently located off the main lobby of NJPAC and serves well prepared, creative American dishes, though very pricey for Newark. They offer both a dinner menu and bistro menu.

The decor is very attractive and contemporary, New York chic, with very high, open ceilings, and large glass windows looking out over the lobby and the outside.

For starters, try the Peeky Toe Crab Salad with tuna sashimi, avocado, black seasame seed vinaigrette, and coriander juice; or the Seared Lamb Carpaccio, with roasted bell pepper, golden raisin, serrano chilie, pesto vinaigrette.

For dinner entrees, try the: the Colorado Rack of Lamb with sweet potato puree, roasted eggplant, and hedgehog mushrooms; or the Artic Char, with lobster whipped potato, brussel sprout leaves, mushroom-leek butter.

Save room for desserts, they are sumptuous and If you are pressed for time, the dessert course can be served during intermission on performance evenings. Try the; Chocolate Grand Marnier Log with orange compote; or the White Espresso Brulee with valrhona chocolate cake.

The service is friendly and attentive, although on performance evenings it can be rushed.


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Fine Dining
Restaurant Rating Legend

No Stars Below average
One star Average
Two stars Above Average
Three stars Excellent
Four stars Best in Class
N/A= A casual dining eatery, not rated as a fine dining restaurant 

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