Indigo Smoke Restaurant
A Montclair, NJ Restaurant Review



Indigo Smoke Barbecue Restaurant
387 Bloomfield Ave.
Montclair, NJ

Indigo Smoke Restaurant 



The restaurant ratings and reviews have been established on the basis of personal visits by the restaurant editor of New Jersey Leisure Guide and/or other reliable sources who have made a visit to the restaurant and/or feed back from our viewers.


Restaurant Rating

Food N/A
Service N/A
Decor N/A
Overall Rating N/A

N/A - Classified as an eatery - Not rated as a fine dining Restaurant

Restaurant Review

Haven't yet been to Kansas City for barbecue? Try this place if you are a lover of outstanding smoked barbecue cooking, the way they make it in Missouri.

Using the Kansas City method of smoke barbecuing, this restaurant goes one step beyond, and finishes the slow cooking process with a ‘saucing’ and a spell on the grill that allows the caramelizing to seep in.

The restaurant has downgraded their service and they now have a counter where you place your order. This is BYO beer with plastic cups provided.

The popular BBQ favorites are; The Tender baby back ribs ribs; Bourbon smothered pork chops; and The grilled veal meat loaf with shallot red wine gravy.

If you want something other than beef, try the grilled smoked trout or the crab cakes.


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