Hillsborough Restaurants With Ratings and Reviews

This Hillsborough restaurants page comes with neighborhood information and restaurant ratings and reviews.

Hillsborough, New Jersey has many casual chain eateries and few fine dining restaurants.

Hillsborough is made up of five villages, Belle Mead,Blackwells Mills, Flagstown, Neshanic, and South Branch, all with historic importance. Some of the major attractions include Duke Farms, an estate maintained to serve as a tribute to environmental stewardship and showcases its natural, horticultural, and historic resources; The Royce Brook Golf Club, and The Hillsborough Country Club.


Here you can find ratings and reviews on the more popular Hillsborough restaurants including: CoccoLa, Old Man Rafferty's, and Pheasants Landing.

Hillsborough Restaurants With Ratings and Reviews







Expensive American-Italian 2.5 Stars Details
Old Man Rafferty's Inexpensive-Moderate American N/A Details
Pheasants Landing Moderate Continental-German 1.5 Stars Details

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 Our New Jersey restaurants ratings and reviews have been established on the basis of a combination of many sources. Click here for an explanation on how we rate Hillsborough restaurants.

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Fine Dining
Restaurant Rating Legend

No Stars Below average
One star Average
Two stars Above Average
Three stars Excellent
Four stars Best in Class
N/A= A casual dining eatery, not rated as a fine dining restaurant 

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