Fat Jacks BBQ
A Cherry Hill, NJ Restaurant Review


Fat Jacks BBQ
2091 Rt. 70 East
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003


Fat Jack's BBQ 


Price Inexpensive- Moderate
Fare Barbecue

Restaurant Rating

Overall Rating N/A
N/A - Classified as an eatery - Not rated as a fine dining Restaurant


Restaurant Review

This chain operation serves up a variety of well prepared, different U.S. styles of BBQ cooking and sauces.

The most popular servings are the Hickory Smoked Pork Ribs, Hickory Smoked Beef Ribs, Pulled Pork, Beef Brisket, Pulled Chicken, Platters, Down Home Country Sides, Samich's, smokin melts, and salads.

The recommended choices are The Memphis dry rub ribs with cornbread; The Texas Beef Ribs; The Half Pound Burgers; and the smokey hot wings in a tangy hot sauce with some blue cheese and celery.

Also recommend the "Buzzard's breath chili" with chunks of tender beef brisket, beans, peppers onions and spices.

They are family and kid friendly with a L'il Jack Meals menu for children.

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Fine Dining
Restaurant Rating Legend

No Stars Below average
One star Average
Two stars Above Average
Three stars Excellent
Four stars Best in Class
N/A= A casual dining eatery, not rated as a fine dining restaurant 

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