Emerald Fish Restaurant
A Rating and Review



Emerald Fish Restaurant
Barclay Farms Shopping Ctr.
65 Rte. 70 E.
Cherry Hill, NJ

Emerald Fish Restaurant, Cherry Hill 

A review of this Cherry Hill, New Jersey restaurant serving up Seafood fare.


The restaurant ratings and reviews have been established on the basis of personal visits by the restaurant editor of New Jersey Leisure Guide and/or other reliable sources who have made a visit to the restaurant and/or feed back from our viewers.

Price Moderate
Fare Seafood

Restaurant Rating

Food 3 Stars
Service 2 Stars
Decor 1 Star
Overall Rating 2 Stars


Restaurant Review

This popular Cherry Hill seafood restaurant is the place to go if you are looking for quality sea food and good service ---- at a reasonable price.

The interior is plain and made up with a pottery barn styling and many amusing fish paintings

The reason to come here is not for the fish paintings, its for Chef/Owner Laura Kaplan's well prepared, quality seafood dishes, at a reasonable price.

Popular dishes include; the soft shell crabs (excellent), blackened ahi tuna, and the crab cakes, grilled blue marlin with kiwi citrus salsa, and the flounder stuffed with scallop/shrimp mousse, and the skate fish.

This BYO offers good service in a relaxing atmosphere.

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Fine Dining
Restaurant Rating Legend

No Stars Below average
One star Average
Two stars Above Average
Three stars Excellent
Four stars Best in Class
N/A= A casual dining eatery, not rated as a fine dining restaurant 

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