Island Palm Grill
A Restaurant Rating and Review


Island Palm Grill
1321 3rd Avenue
Spring Lake, NJ
(732) 449-1909

Island Palm Grill 



The restaurant ratings and reviews have been established on the basis of personal visits by the restaurant editor of New Jersey Leisure Guide and/or other reliable sources who have made a visit to the restaurant and/or feed back from our viewers.

Price Moderate -Expensive
Fare New American

Restaurant Rating

Food 3 Stars
Service 2 Stars
Decor 2 Stars
Overall Rating 2 Stars

Restaurant Review

This BYOB in Spring lake serves up Creative American Cuisine with a Gulf Coast, sometimes caribbean influence. This is a fine dining experience in a cozy setting.

The decor is attractive and the atmosphere is comfortable, with tables spaced apart for quiet conversation.

Executive Chef and co-owner, David Kruse, a CIA graduate who previously worked with Bobby Flay at Mesa Grill in NYC, is a master at turning turning out well prepared, imaginative dishes with fresh ingredients. The specials, change weekly and offers a limited but varied and well planned menu to chose from.

The popular favorites are; Plantain Crusted Grouper with Mango ginger sauce, Jicama and cabbage slaw; Grilled Wild Boar Loin with Maple brined Boar sirloin, spiked apple cider rosemary demi, horseradish smash and grilled apples; and The Island Palm Paella with Shrimp, mussels, scallops, lobster, chorizo, chicken, roasted peppers, saffron rice.

The desserts are done in house, and if available, try The Fruit crisp, or the Crème Brulee offerings, such as the espresso cinnamon and banana and coconut crepes with warm chocolate ganache.

The service is attentive and friendly.

Not recommended for children, there is no kids menu.

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Fine Dining
Restaurant Rating Legend

No Stars Below average
One star Average
Two stars Above Average
Three stars Excellent
Four stars Best in Class
N/A= A casual dining eatery, not rated as a fine dining restaurant 

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